
PRISMAX is a contemporary 5-line humanist font designed for headlines and large point sizes. Our design is inspired by the well known PRISMA alphabet by Rudolf Koch (1931) and also by Akihiko Seki’s AKI LINES font (1970/72) – famously used for Microsoft’s logotype in 1975. The graded lines create an extra dimension to the typeface and instil the font with a sense of dynamism. Multiple inter-locking ligatures add typographic interest. See: OC OG DO OO HD HE HH HK HM HN HP ME NE NH NN NNE & NP. PRISMAX follows a long tradition of optical and multi-line alphabets, many of which became hugely popular during the 1970’s. The entire genre can be traced back to and owes a debt to Koch’s PRISMA font, created almost a century ago. Also, check out our experimental ‘optical’ headline font, Eyes Lies, created in 2004.



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