A2 Record Gothic

7 typefaces

38 fonts

A2 Record Gothic is a revival of Ludlow’s Record Gothic typeface designed in the 1920s and updated in the 50s. This is our attempt to unify and systemise the disparate font styles – bold, wide, condensed, and extra condensed – that were added to the family over the years by the Ludlow Typograph Company. Originating in the late 1920s as a ‘copy’ of American Type Founders News Gothic (1908) by Morris Fuller Benton, Ludlow’s Record Gothic existed as a stand-alone font in a single weight for many decades. This mono-spaced addition adds another dimension to the A2 Record Gothic collection, creating a versatile font suited to all media.


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Check out the complete A2 Record Gothic font family! Lot’s of options: Sans, Condensed, X Condensed, Slab, Stencil, Outline.